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Partnerships and Strategic Alliances

Partnering to Accelerate Vehicle Software Innovation

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Partner ecosystem showcase

To advance the future of mobility, we’re collaborating with a growing network of leaders in the ecosystem. Together, we’re creating innovative end-to-end solutions that address the biggest technological challenges on the journey to software-defined vehicles.


Hear what our partners are saying

Strategic alliances

Sonatus seeks to more broadly contribute to the industry with membership in associations and alliances dedicated to advancing the technologies at the heart of the digital transformation of vehicles.

ASAM Member
Automotive Grade Linux
Linux Foundation

“Although the industry’s intense focus on software-defined vehicles is quite recent, the macro forces leading up to the urgency they carry today have been decades in the making. As automakers seek to accelerate the digital transformation of their vehicles, Sonatus’ unique expertise in SDV technologies and strong industry traction make us an ideal partner to help OEMs across the globe navigate that challenging journey.”

Jeff Chou, CEO & Co-Founder

CEO & Co-founder

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