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August 28, 2024

Why Automakers Need To Accelerate Over-The-Air (OTA) Update Innovation

Imagine a world where cars actually get better after leaving showrooms. It won’t happen overnight. But by deploying the right strategies and technologies today, the automotive industry can put itself in a pole position to deliver the types of driving experiences that will define brands and bottom lines for decades to come.
August 24, 2024

Sonatus auf der IAA Transportation 2024

Das Software-Unternehmen Sonatus wird in Hannover seine Produkte und Lösungen für Nutzfahrzeuge vorstellen.
August 22, 2024

Zukunftsweisende Software für Nutzfahrzeuge

Die Nutzfahrzeugindustrie durchläuft aktuell einen rasanten und tiefgreifenden Wandel. Sonatus bietet den Herstellern die nötigen Werkzeuge, um flexible, zukunftssichere Plattformen zu schaffen, die den Anforderungen eines nachhaltigen, effizienten und intelligenten Transports gerecht werden.
August 16, 2024

Wird Hardware im Auto bald zur Nebensache?

Während noch vor wenigen Jahren die Software im Fahrzeug fest definierte Funktionen wie den Motor steuerte, übernimmt sie zunehmend eine zentrale Rolle im Fahrzeug. Für die Fahrzeughersteller bedeutet dieser Wandel flexiblere Funktionen und eine bessere Kontrolle. Im Mittelpunkt muss aber immer die Sicherheit stehen.
August 9, 2024

Den langen Weg zum SDV abkürzen

Alle OEMs arbeiten an SDV's, sprich: softwaredefinerten Fahrzeugen. Darfür gibt es viele Gründe, nicht zuletzt ein Wertpotenzail von mehr als 650 Mrd. Dollar. Das Problem: Die Umsetzung eines SDV ist viel schwieriger als angenommen.
July 14, 2024

WardsAuto Podcast, Ep48 – Sonatus CMO John Heinlein

Are automakers really prepared to compete in the software-defined-vehicle space? Sonatus CMO John Heinlein talks with David Kiley of WardsAuto about how companies like Hyundai Group are adapting. 
July 11, 2024

Why A Software-First Mindset Is Key To Personalized Driving Experiences

Sonatus CTO and Co-founder, Yu Fang, shares his insights on the transformative potential of a software-first approach to revolutionize the automotive industry. The road ahead might be lined with speed bumps, but it’s also brimming with opportunities for innovation and growth.
June 19, 2024

Sonatus Discusses Software Foundation for SDVs

We ask Sonatus CEO, Jeff Chou: "What’s the ‘proper’ software foundation for SDVs?"  This episode digs deep into his assessment of SDV development today – both in terms of software and hardware architecture.
June 13, 2024

The Swiss Army Knife of SDV with Sonatus

Dr. John Heinlein, CMO of Sonatus, joins host Elena Ciccotelli  on-site at AutoTech Detroit to set the record straight (finally) on what a software defined vehicle (SDV) is and how OEMs like Hyundai are using SDVs to innovate on some of the most impressive vehicle features in 2024.. 
May 24, 2024

Understanding Cloud Capabilities To Supercharge Automotive Innovation

Sonatus CTO and Co-founder, Yu Fang, shares how the cloud empowers automotive OEMs and Tier 1s to constantly innovate to compete and meet changing customer demands.
April 18, 2024

Car tech firm Sonatus opens new R&D centre in Dublin

US technology company Sonatus has opened an R&D and engineering centre in Dublin to expand its engineering and business capabilities. It said the new Dublin centre will support its service to existing and future customers, adding that Europe is an important hub for many major automotive manufacturers.
April 11, 2024

The Future of Software-Defined Vehicles with Sonatus and Arm

Forget the idea of cars as mobile-phones on wheels; as Jeff Chou says on The InEVitable podcast, the more correct analogy is that “cars are like data-centers on wheels.” He then goes on to explain the shared properties of data centers and SDVs and describes the magnitude and complexity of the transformation that's already underway.
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