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Watch Sonatus Collector in action

Sonatus is at the forefront of automotive software innovation, providing essential building blocks for the transition to software-defined vehicles. With our solutions, OEMs can unlock new levels of agility, efficiency, and innovation in the automotive industry.

Fill out the form to see the power of Sonatus Collector in action!

Key Features Showcased:

  • Real-Time Data Collection: See live data streaming from a Genesis GV60.
  • Dynamic Data Configuration: Witness data collection policies being reconfigured in seconds.
  • Policy Deployment: Experience how policies can be deployed to vehicles instantly, saving time and resources.
  • High-Resolution Data Capture: Learn how Sonatus Collector adjusts capture resolution based on trigger events.
  • Enrichment with AWS Cloud: See how AWS enriches captured data with additional information and AI processing.

Why Sonatus Collector?

  • Efficiency: Collect data from hundreds of signals across the vehicle without the need for complex software changes.
  • Flexibility: Easily create and deploy customized policies for specific scenarios.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Reduce upload and storage costs by capturing only data of interest.
  • Real-Time Insights: Enable fast response and feedback to critical scenarios with AWS integration.
  • Endless Possibilities: Explore limitless opportunities for vehicle data utilization and problem-solving.

Ready to Transform Your Vehicle Software?

Submit the form to watch a demonstration of Sonatus Collector and learn more about how it can revolutionize your vehicle software development process.

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