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Software Defined Component Solution

Deliver vehicles that intelligently adapt

Achieve the full promise of Software-Defined Vehicles with components that can be dynamically tuned for peak performance in any driving condition.

Continuously improve components throughout vehicle lifetimes

Ensure electronically controlled vehicle components are continuously tuned to deliver optimal performance in all driving conditions.

Support diverse use cases

Leverage precise real-world data to analyze component performance

Collect real-world vehicle and driving data in diverse driving conditions, enabling more efficient and accurate AI/ML analysis in the cloud.

Dynamically tune components in real-time

Ensure motors, sensors, and actuators operate at peak performance under diverse driving conditions by automatically tuning their Electronic Control Units (ECUs) in real-time.

Software Defined Component overview

The full promise of Software-Defined Vehicles is realized when all electronic components in vehicles can be continuously updated and improved throughout their lifetimes. The Sonatus Software-Defined Component Solution, consisting of the Sonatus Collector and Automator products, lets OEMs and their suppliers establish a closed-loop process to apply real-world, data-driven analysis and automated updates to tune vehicle ECUs, ensuring maximum component performance under any driving and vehicle conditions.

Collect Real World
Driving Data

Sonatus Collector AI allows OEMs to precisely gather real world data to analyze component performance under diverse conditions.

  • Define targeted policies to collect data in varying real-world scenarios 
  • Instantly deploy policies to a single vehicle or millions
  • Gain access to all vehicle signals – CAN, Ethernet, ECU, Logs, media, and more

Improve Efficiency
of Cloud-Based Analysis

Data collected in different driving situations streamlines OEM and partner cloud analysis.

  • Feed precise and relevant data into OEM or supplier models
  • Leverage leading-edge cloud data analysis including AI/ML
  • Continuously improve models with ongoing data gathering

Automate Real-Time
ECU Tuning

Sonatus Automator AI’s automation routines dynamically apply optimal tuning changes based on vehicle status and varying driving conditions.  

  • Compact policies deliver optimized parameters efficiently in kilobytes
  • Optimized parameter sets are dynamically applied in various driving conditions
  • Tuning is deployed in real-time, without the need for OTA updates

Related resources


Sonatus Software Defined Component Solution data sheet

Achieve the full promise of Software-Defined Vehicles with components that can be dynamically tuned for peak performance in any driving condition.
Press Releases

Sonatus Launches New Software Solution to Help Automakers Realize the Full Potential of SDVs

Sunnyvale, Calif., December 7, 2023 - Sonatus announces the Sonatus Software-Defined Component (SDC) Solution. Consisting of in-vehicle and cloud software, the Sonatus SDC Solution helps automakers turn any electronic component in a vehicle into a software-defined component.

Software-Defined Component Solution

This episode provides a description of the Sonatus Software-Defined Component Solution, and how it enables vehicle components beyond domains such as IVI and ADAS to be continuously updated and enhanced throughout the life of the vehicles.
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