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Sonatus Vehicle Platform



Sonatus Foundation is a product in the Sonatus software platform providing networking, data, application and cybersecurity services

Sonatus Foundation


  • 管理和确保所有车辆网络和云通信的安全
  • 将任何车辆功能转化为SOA服务,并优化应用资源
  • 集中存储,为所有应用程序提供灵活的全车数据访问
  • 使用轻量级策略随时配置车辆软件基础设施
Sonatus Collector is product in the Sonatus software platform that provides configurable data capture across all vehicle platforms

Sonatus Collector


  • 在整个生命周期内访问车辆数据,无需更改代码或进行OTA更新
  • 配置细化策略,在需要时精确收集数据
  • 同时支持多种用例和用途,以获得数据驱动的洞察力
  • 精细控制数据的收集、存储和传输,提高成本效益
Sonatus Automator is a product in the Sonatus software platform that enables rapid deployment of new features  across many vehicle components.

Sonatus Automator


  • 利用无代码协调框架,即时部署自动化配方
  • 利用一套广泛的触发器和车辆动作,随时创建新功能
  • 通过自动线端测试或现场诊断减少人工开销
  • 严格控制谁能定义和部署哪类配方
Sonatus Guard is a product in the Sonatus software platform to enable rapid response to protect from cybersecurity threats.

Sonatus Guard


  • 识别并缓解所有车辆网络和外部接口上的潜在威胁
  • 监控ECU运行中的异常行为,以确定并遏制可能的攻击
  • 分析日志,检测所有车辆系统的异常活动
  • 结合实时警报和第三方情报,保护数百万辆汽车的安全
Figure showing a car receiving an over the air (OTA) update

Sonatus Updater


  • 从单一界面更新所有车辆软件
  • 进行干运行以预测活动成本并解决冲突以确保成功
  • 实现更新活动的端到端可追溯性以解决问题
  • 符合UN R155/R156合规性并采用基于角色的访问控制进行安全更新
Sonatus Collector




Sonatus In The News

Sonatus’s Jeff Chou featured in Automotive News article on new connected vehicle tech and OEM supplier relations

Sonatus and CEO and Co-founder Jeff Chou was featured in an Automotive News article alongside other Pace Award execs on…

What is a Software Defined Vehicle?

Join us for a conversation between Sonatus CMO Dr. John Heinlein and CEO and co-founder Jeff Chou to explore the definition of Software Defined Vehicles: What does it mean to be an SDV, and what capabilities does being an SDV enable? Then we discuss what are the critical elements needed to make an SDV, and especially how current vehicles need to evolve to reach the full potential of an SDV. It’s a wide-ranging discussion, and touches on issues of hardware, software, networking, cloud computing, and everywhere in between.
Press Releases

Hyundai Motor Group and Sonatus win 2022 PACE Automotive Awards

Hyundai Motor Group and Sonatus have won the 2022 PACE Innovation Partnership Award for the successful development of a Central…
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